Thursday, August 07, 2008

Obama picks Jeff Bridges

I'm as dismissive of the presidential campaign as you are (at least until they actually start debating), but I have decided who I'm going to vote for. I base this not on the fact that one guy is sane and the other insane, but that one guy chose Jeff Bridges when asked for his favorite movie president. From a Q&A with Entertainment Weekly:

Who's your favorite movie or TV president?
You know who was a great movie president? Jeff Bridges in the Contender. That was a great movie president. He was charming and essentially an honorable person, but there was a rogue about him. The way he would order sandwiches — he was good at that.

That is the correct answer, senator. You have my vote. McCain picked Dennis Haysbert from "24," which is a copout on several levels.


Ms☆Go said...


Hmm, thought-out choice, dontcha' think?

Great post. :D

I do believe, I'll be linking this post.

verninino said...

Not to sound "petty" but I think Obama's still calculating and courting the Hillary vote.

elgringo said...

Haha, McCain's pick. That's funny.