This is my 537th post over 54 months. If my recent blog activity is any indication, it will likely be my last.
I wonder if anyone still pokes around here. An abandoned blog is kind of like a ghost town. The infrastructure stands. The people are gone. Someone may pass through -- a wrong turn via a forsaken link -- but no one stays.
Yes, you are missed. What is going to happen to the "Triple Crown" series ???? It was my favorite. I printed all seven of them out to save. You can't stop now !!!!!!!!!!!! The Best of Luck in the future !!!!!
My life has been empty without you.
good grief aren't you morose
You have been missed.
Yes, you are missed. What is going to happen to the "Triple Crown" series ???? It was my favorite. I printed all seven of them out to save. You can't stop now !!!!!!!!!!!!
The Best of Luck in the future !!!!!
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Forget it, Jake. It's the blogosphere.
Methinks the blogger had better things to do- one doesn't blog unless one has something to say- being read is not the criteria.
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